Monday, March 19, 2007


I want to know where Payton gets the things that have been coming out of her mouth lately. Here's a little list, so I never forget just how funny she is!

1. She thinks Drew's penis is a "really long belly button". The girl won't stop talking about it either!
2. She wants to bake me a pie. A poop pie. A "warm poop pie with poop, burps and toots inside". Yum.
3. I cannot call her by any other name than Payton. She is not honey, baby, sweetie, girlie.......when I call her something else, she informs me "I am not ______, I am Payton Horack-Girl!".
4. She is not tired. She is never tired, she just rubs her eyes and yawns constantly because "it makes her feel better."
5. Past Saturday was NOT St. Patrick's Day according to Payton (Horack-Girl). Spongebob's best friend does NOT have a special day of his own.

That's all for now.

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