I vow to keep this up. I do. I want to remember.
What's new? Things are good. Always good. Different. Payton is 4, Ellie is 2. I am working
full time. Too much wind, not enough fences. The girls started a new daycare/preschool. So far we (including P & E) really like Kathie. I think she will be good for them. Brad is fishing.
OK, that's not new. Dude either needs to catch the world record bass and make us some prize money or stop fishing so much. Is it really that hard?
I've been on a mission to lose weight. I have lost a bit over 20 pounds since this year started. Not bad, eh? This is the first time I have done anything like this. Usually I have no motivation, so I am not shy about patting myself on the back. I feel good!
Ryan and Michelle are getting ready to have a baby. I am throwing the couples baby shower next month. Should be fun! I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to meeting baby
Kloe too. So are the girls.
The girls......amazing. They really are so special. Ellie has totally come around. Finally. Don't get me wrong, she is still a hot mess. But she is happy.
YAY! We can actually make it through the day without crying now. She was a touchy baby girl. Now that she can tell me what she's thinking, she is perfectly happy. And she never ever ceases to tell me what she is thinking.
And Payton. God, she is 4! She rocks the preschool class like an old pro. She is so easy going and confidant. I am nothing but proud of that girl. She started a soccer workshop last weekend and it was so much fun watching her. Brad was fishing, but when he sees her next weekend, I know he will be proud.
Pictures? It's been almost a year since I have updated this thing.

God, I love them.