Friday, April 25, 2008

YAY for the weekend.

It never comes soon enough. This week was productive at work. Tiring, but productive. I talked to one of the funniest old lady's ever several times over the last few days. She just doesn't understand the whole fence construction business and she's scared. Poor little thing. She sure was feisty though. She told me that she didn't give a "hot dippity damn what her neighbor wants". HAHA, I think I am going to have to adopt that phrase. Her job isn't scheduled until mid-May...I look forward to talking to her lots more.

I don't know what happened to our house this week. It looks like a hurricane hit. Hurricane Horack. I have lots to do tomorrow morning. Brad said he'd help. Julie and I are going to work out first though. Maybe Brad will start cleaning while I am there. I miss Julie. I haven't seen her for almost 2 weeks. It's been YEARS since we have gone without seeing each other for that long. With us being so sick, I didn't want to risk being around Natalie and Dylan. I look forward to seeing her tomorrow!

I got some really cool compliments today. I was already feeling good---I tried on some super cute Bermuda shorts from 2 summers ago this morning, and they FIT! Better than ever, actually. So I wore them, with a bright blue shirt that screamed "NOTICE ME" and it worked. Payton's teachers both said I looked great, that they could tell I have lost weight. Yes! All the hard work is paying off. I feel great too. Besides the ear infection and the sinus infection the doc diagnosed me with last night. I knew my head was hurting more than normal! I toughed it out though and made it through the week. Now I just need to get my sense of taste back so that I can taste my birthday cake tomorrow.

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