Monday, June 30, 2008

Bye-Bye Huggies

Well, Ellie is potty-trained! I don't know how or why, but she is. :P

She's just like her big sister, naked whenever possible. So all of last week, Brad never put a diaper on her while I was at work, except for nap time. Otherwise, she was in her bathing suit or naked or in panties. We knew she was serious when by Thursday she was going in the bathroom and going pee without even telling us. She didn't have one accident ALL WEEK LONG!

So this weekend, I kept her out of diapers, even when out shopping and she told me when she had to go...again, not one single accident.

Magic, I tell ya! :)

Diapers are gone. We have pull-ups for bedtime still. I am going to wait until she consistently wakes up dry for awhile before ditching those.

I'm so proud!!!!

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