Wednesday, August 13, 2008

It's already flippin' mid-August!

Happy Wednesday. I have only a few minutes before Shear Genius starts.

Well, hmmmm. Guess what? I am now a "graduate student". Weird. I am actually only planning on finishing my credential, but "graduate student" sounds so smart. :P
I have to take and pass the CSET before I finish my student teaching. What is that you ask? I have no clue. Some new test that they are making California teachers pass before finishing their credential now. WHY DIDN'T I JUST FINISH 6 years ago when the CBEST was all I had to pass? WHY? :P Live and learn I guess. I hope I haven't "lived and forgotten" these past 6 years. I have orientation in September. :)

The girls went to Grandma and Grandpa's today while Brad and I worked. They are so excited to have them back in town! They are going back to Kathie's tomorrow morning. I hope the adjustment is an easy one. I love my squirrely girls.

I had my hair cut and colored today. There is something so relaxing about having someone else wash your hair! No more roots! Yippeee!

Ok,time to go....Wednesday is my fav t.v. night. :P

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