Here is Payton and Drew after class. They both had paint all over them. Back to school means momma needs to buy some oxy-clean, lol!
And a pic of the two of us.

Last Thursday Payton had her appointment with the dermatologist. They removed the mole to be biopsied. At first the doctor didn't act too concerned. Then when she looked at it under the special lights she said she wanted it removed asap to be biopsied and then when I told her about Payton's paternal grandfather having melanoma, she got completely serious. It shook me up some and I can't get that lingering worry off my mind. I should hear from her by next week. Payton was completely brave. She didn't cry at all when she got the numbing shot nor when the mole was sliced off. I was grossed out though. Just send some good thoughts our way please...we could use them.
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