I am very proud of Payton. I have mentioned that last year, Payton was kicked out of the pumpkin carving contest because they said Brad was helping her. She was 3.

Pretty Ellie, making a weird face, lol. But I love her blue eyes.

So this year, we stressed that the only thing we could do was hold the pumpkin still for her, she had to do all of the carving herself. She did it! She took about and hour and a half and she was sweating when she was done, but she did it. We left the area for them to be judged and we came back and saw her pumpkin was in the "Parent Assisted " group. No one helped her! And no one told us we could. But guess what? She WON! WITHOUT assistance. Against a bunch of kids that did have help. So there.
Ellie just punched holes in hers. But she did it all by herself. Since we thought she had too.
Payton and the winning pumpkin. It was her idea to give him hair.
Her goody bag. It was filled with candy and Halloween goodies. If you look closely, you can see the age group was marked "9 and under" and they crossed it out and wrote in "Parent Assisted". Creeps.
The Costume Contest was fun. There was a parade around the camp after.
Ellie loved this little guy.
She took her role as Wonder Woman very seriously. Superheroes always hole their arms like that, don't you know? Payton was anxious. The scary masks that the older kids had on scared her. The girls didn't win, but they both got a medal anyway.
Pretty Ellie, making a weird face, lol. But I love her blue eyes.
The magic show was great. It was in the spooky barn down the road from the campground. My nephew Joseph was chosen to assist in one magic trick. He was one of eight chosen to go up and pick a key to open a lock. the magician asked for the person with the only working key to raise their hand...he said they would "just know". It was Joe! We asked him later how he knew to raise his hand. He said "No one else raised theirs, so I did." I guess the magician knows the odds of having at least one attention loving kid in the group are high! Lol!
The girls played in the leaves all weekend.
They fed the ducks.
Me and Payton. Two days of no hair washing? I was slick. Ellie took the first pic. xoxo
The 3 of us.
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