Monday is always a busy day. Payton had school pictures today. I am totally and completely jealous of my 4 year old. It is NO fair that she can walk into the girl's department at the store and pick out something and be completely confidant that it'll fit. There was a day that I could do that. I didn't appreciate it nearly enough. (And no, I don't tell her momma is too fat for her clothes....I keep that to myself. :P )
She looked so grown up. I hope the photographer got better pics of her I did!

Ellie was a nut all weekend, as usual. She asked to get her ears pierced at the mall yesterday, so we did! She didn't even cry! Payton opted out. Lol! Here she is showing them off last night. They look purple because of the pen they used to mark the location. I couldn't get it all off.
Another funny pic Ellie took in the bath a few nights ago. Payton spent the night with her Mimi. Ellie and I had fun together.

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