Lots going on as usual! Let's see....list form usually works best for me, otherwise I will add more details than anyone would possibly want to read.
John Mayer Concert-He can pluck my string anytime he wants. Ok, that was inappropriate. Brad and I had fun. It's been a long time since he and I did something alone. Though we weren't really alone, because it seems that half of Bakersfield had the same idea we did. It's really weird to be 100 miles away from home and see your neighbor in the public bathroom!
Lake Pyramid-I can tell this story in mostly pictures.
Lots of sand
Lots of water (Except for me. I am afraid of lake critters.)
Lots of speed
And lots of family-fun
Los Angeles Zoo-With my bud Sharon and her adorable family, Jon, Ben and Makayla.
4th of July- Fun again with the family. I LOVE the 4th. My very favorite holiday and every year it gets better and better as the kids get older. Natalie and Dylan really were able to enjoy it this year. Next year, Baby Kloe will be the little cute toddler running around experiencing it for the 1st time! I'm already excited.
We also had lots of friends and neighbors over. The kids played dress -up while waiting for the sun to go down. I'm going to have to keep an eye on that crazy Ellie.
So what else? Brad goes back to school next week to get ready for the kiddos. He's ready. He did have a good summer with the girls though. He's such a good dad. They went to the free movies once a week, to the library, to the park, swimming lessons, fishing...etc. The girls had an exciting day each and every day. It'll be an adjustment as it always is going back to kathie's and preschool, but lucky for us, somehow these girls of ours are pretty easy-going. It's me that resists change the most.
Before I go, a quick prayer for Annette. There was a horrible accident this weekend and I know she needs all of the love and support she can get right now. :(
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