Wednesday, November 12, 2008

feeling wordy

So let's make a list.

1. Dreyer's Slow Churned Peppermint Ice Cream is about amazing. If you live in Bakersfield, you have tasted Dewar's Peppermint Ice Cream. Dreyer's is pretty much just as good. Seriously. Try it.

2. I leaned on the remote control and somehow made the picture switch to this little square rather than filling up the entire wide screen. I'm trying to watch the CMA's and everyone's heads are cut off. I can't get Brad to wake up and fix it for me. I love Taylor Swift. She's a doll.

3. I have been sucked (ha) into the Twilight craze. Wow. I thought I was probably too mature for teen lit (that's sarcasm friends) but it turns out I am not. Reading New Moon right now and I love it. The first hundred pages made me bawl. Like ugly bawl. The bawl that you do not want anyone else to see you do. Totally mature.

4. The girls got into a physical altercation tonight. Ellie threw a shoe at Payton. Payton got pissed and chucked it right back, hitting Ellie in the face and giving her a bloody nose. That was lovely. Had to make them kiss. I couldn't just punish Payton for drawing blood. If Ellie threw a shoe at me, I'd chuck it back at her too. ;)

5. My back is still hurting so bad. I know. Go to the doctor. I will. I can't hardly stand up straight anymore. Hunchback of Jersey Bounce Drive.

6. So Obama will be President in a few short months. Yeah for him. Boo for all of the forwarded bad taste emails. 4 more years of this crap?

7. Ryan and Kloe came to dinner tonight. Brad made beef and broccoli. It was good! I painted the girls toes and we played with Kloe. Now I am tired.

8. Santa is coming to our house on December 2nd!

9. Top Chef starts tonight!

10. Tonight there was a Celeb Gossip category on Jeopardy. I got every answer right. How embarrassing.

G'night sweethearts.

1 comment:

~*Christina*~ said...

Ok hahahahaha I would throw the shoe back too! That's why we get along! ;) I remember my numerous altercations with my sister too. One day you all will look back and laugh. Hahaha you did the ugly cry at that book huh? Dude that doesn't make me want to read it, haha. Yes I'm still on page 4. GO TO A FUCKEN CHIROPRACTOR ALREADY!!!!!! Damn girl! GOOOOOO!!!!!!! I love ya.