Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Dirty Thirty!

My party was this weekend. It was awesome. I was a little overwhelmed with the amount of people there and how much they did for me! I felt really really loved. I am surrounded by some pretty cool people. It was John's birthday too, so my mom made him a cake and we sung Happy Birthday to each other. Wendy and Lori are supposed to get some more pics to me...Brad didn't take many.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Beach pics....

I didn't share any because I didn't want to think about the trip. I'm over it now...here are some pics of my beach babes.





YAY for the weekend.

It never comes soon enough. This week was productive at work. Tiring, but productive. I talked to one of the funniest old lady's ever several times over the last few days. She just doesn't understand the whole fence construction business and she's scared. Poor little thing. She sure was feisty though. She told me that she didn't give a "hot dippity damn what her neighbor wants". HAHA, I think I am going to have to adopt that phrase. Her job isn't scheduled until mid-May...I look forward to talking to her lots more.

I don't know what happened to our house this week. It looks like a hurricane hit. Hurricane Horack. I have lots to do tomorrow morning. Brad said he'd help. Julie and I are going to work out first though. Maybe Brad will start cleaning while I am there. I miss Julie. I haven't seen her for almost 2 weeks. It's been YEARS since we have gone without seeing each other for that long. With us being so sick, I didn't want to risk being around Natalie and Dylan. I look forward to seeing her tomorrow!

I got some really cool compliments today. I was already feeling good---I tried on some super cute Bermuda shorts from 2 summers ago this morning, and they FIT! Better than ever, actually. So I wore them, with a bright blue shirt that screamed "NOTICE ME" and it worked. Payton's teachers both said I looked great, that they could tell I have lost weight. Yes! All the hard work is paying off. I feel great too. Besides the ear infection and the sinus infection the doc diagnosed me with last night. I knew my head was hurting more than normal! I toughed it out though and made it through the week. Now I just need to get my sense of taste back so that I can taste my birthday cake tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Busy schedule!

For once in my life, my social calendar is full! :P These next few weeks are going to be busy and expensive! This weekend is my 30th birthday party. My Golden Birthday. I didn't know what that was, but my mom said it's because I am turning 30 on the 30th. Only happens once in your life! I guess it's special????? Ha ha! I can't wait though. There should be a lot of people there, people I just love. So excited!

Next Friday, we leave for VEGAS!!! Goodness, I can't wait! I have to go shopping this weekend for some slutty clothes, lmao! For real. Lori is getting married! Congrats to Lori and John. The wedding will be beautiful and the weekend will be so much fun! Love you Lori, you really are my very very best friend.

When we get back, I have to finish planning Ryan and Michelle's shower. I've got some good ideas, I just need to see if they are on board. In just a few short months, we will be holding Kloe. xoxo

We had a good day today. The girls were great and now they are both asleep in Payton's room. This is the first night Ellie fell asleep in her big girl bed!!!! God I love those girls. I keep going in there and just watch them sleeping. Moments like that I don't want anything more in the world.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Tuesday Night Jewelry Club

The party was great. I'm gonna get lots of free stuff!!!!

My voice was gone this morning and it still hasn't come back. I don't know how I will call in payroll tomorrow with no voice! Maybe I can fax it?

So I started on my own little science project tonight. We have a huge amount of snails in our front yard and I am starting to get creeped out by them. I have to tippy toe across the sidewalk in the mornings so I don't crunch them. I read online (YAY Google) that you can trap them by putting strawberries in a bowl. So I did it. Anxious to see if there are any "Gary's" in there tomorrow.

Monday, April 21, 2008

I can't sleep...

Manic Monday

This weekend was awful.....Pismo was windy and cold. The girls were coughing. Brad was fishing. Our car died and we hung out in Cuyama for a day. What fun!!!

Now we are home and I am sick. I hate complaining when I am sick. I usually suck it up and no one even knows, but this time, ewwww. I'm just miserable. How come it hits the worst at bedtime? The kids are in bed and I am ready for bed, and now I feel like I am dying.

Complaint is over.

Tomorrow I have my Lia Sophia Jewelry party. I hope it goes well. I'm missing Bunco for it.

Off to slumber-land. I hope I get to stay there a long long time.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

sweat and sunscreen

That's what we Horack's will be smelling like for the next 4 or 5 months! It was 94*'s today! Whoa, we were hot and red all day. It was a GREAT day. We got up and played in the backyard for a little bit, then met Julie, Jason and the Twinks at the park. We came home and let the girls swim. It was still too chilly for me. Then Ellie took a nap and Payton and I took a walk. She rode her trike. We went to eat at Panda Express and then to fish at Riverlakes. Jason and Julie bought Ellie a Dora fishing pole. She had a blast. Payton caught 3 fish all on her own. She's pretty good at it! Very impressive. Dad's proud. I am too. Back to the grind in the morning. :(

Saturday, April 12, 2008


My little brother is 28 today! My mom made him a Spongebob cake. Just goes to show you that age is just a number.

Tonight on the way to the Mexican restaurant that Ryan picked out for his birthday dinner (El Sombrero, whoop-whoop!), we drove downtown and right passed the porn shop. Payton says "Mom, we should go to that love store with the hearts on it!" Sorry babe, it's not the kind of love I want you to know about just yet.

Ellie was cracking us up at dinner. She fell in love with Nick, Ryan's best friend for some reason. She was telling him knock-knock jokes all night.

I had my hair cut today. I LOVE the color. Perfect. The cut is going to take some getting used to for me. I agreed to more layers, but I didn't realize how many there would be. Everyone at dinner loved my hair though, so I guess I should like it too. I need to get a good picture of it.

I'll share some pictures from our day when photobucket decides to cooperate.

Friday, April 11, 2008

one random thought....

.....then sleep.

They really screwed up Nick @ Nite. I miss Roseanne and The Cosby Show. Tool Time and George Lopez? Yuck.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

almost there.

Tomorrow is Friday! This was a long week. I know I will get used to this full-time gig, but it's making my heart heavy right now.

We had a great night. Went to mom's house for pizza and cupcakes. The girls were WONDERFUL. They had us all cracking up all night. Ryan, Brad and I played the Impossible Quiz for about an hour. We got pretty far!!! I bet Ryan is hooked.

OK, time for me to go to bed. I almost forgot to update today. But I didn't. :P

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Day 2

It's the second day of my blogging ambition. I almost forgot.

Well, the time has come. Payton straight up asked Brad and I today to "tell her about God". Her cousin's doggy died (RIP Sydney) and she knows that people and animals that die go to heaven to be with God. Now she wants to know more about God. The first thing I will do is bring out her Bible and our children's bible stories. We will go from there, I guess.

Ellie hung out with Mimi today while I worked at Payton's school. She had fun. Mom said she was really good at the grocery store and at the bank. That makes me happy. Ellie ran around like a little crazy chick tonight after her bath. It was pretty hilarious!

Brad is snoring. I am tired. I pruned the rosebushes tonight and now my arms are all scratched up. The roses look good though.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

It's been awhile.....

I vow to keep this up. I do. I want to remember.

What's new? Things are good. Always good. Different. Payton is 4, Ellie is 2. I am working full time. Too much wind, not enough fences. The girls started a new daycare/preschool. So far we (including P & E) really like Kathie. I think she will be good for them. Brad is fishing. OK, that's not new. Dude either needs to catch the world record bass and make us some prize money or stop fishing so much. Is it really that hard?

I've been on a mission to lose weight. I have lost a bit over 20 pounds since this year started. Not bad, eh? This is the first time I have done anything like this. Usually I have no motivation, so I am not shy about patting myself on the back. I feel good!

Ryan and Michelle are getting ready to have a baby. I am throwing the couples baby shower next month. Should be fun! I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to meeting baby Kloe too. So are the girls.

The girls......amazing. They really are so special. Ellie has totally come around. Finally. Don't get me wrong, she is still a hot mess. But she is happy. YAY! We can actually make it through the day without crying now. She was a touchy baby girl. Now that she can tell me what she's thinking, she is perfectly happy. And she never ever ceases to tell me what she is thinking.
And Payton. God, she is 4! She rocks the preschool class like an old pro. She is so easy going and confidant. I am nothing but proud of that girl. She started a soccer workshop last weekend and it was so much fun watching her. Brad was fishing, but when he sees her next weekend, I know he will be proud.

Pictures? It's been almost a year since I have updated this thing.



God, I love them.