Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I thought yesterday was monday!

Holy hell. Seriously. Bad day. I don't really have them often. I have bad moments of course, but the string of bad moments from this morning really threw me for a loop. Gotta love breaking out the tears in front of the people you work with. It's hard enough being the only female here, now I am the crazy emotional female.

Issue #1-Computer network problems. Mike is calling me for info that I can only find online and I can't get online. Do you think he accepts that as an answer? Nope. Know what I did? I pulled that mo-fo wireless router right from the computer, plugged in the modem and got it working. Someone else is going to have to deal with the mess I made.

Issue #2-I don't think I blogged about it. My lovely little shithead nephew Kevin thinks it is HILARIOUS that lizards scare the ever livin' crap out of me. I am 30 years old and I have never ever in my life touched a reptile. I don't plan on it now. So, back to the issue. He caught and hid a lizard in my desk drawer. Almost 3 weeks ago! So I have been avoiding my desk. Today I came in, decided that the lizard must be either long gone or dead by now, and started moving 2008 files out in order to fill with 2009's. It was going well until I opened the last drawer and saw the lizard! It saw me and froze, staring at me with it's beady little eyes. I about broke my neck jumping up and tripping over all of the boxes I had on the floor. I called Mike and told him to get his ass in here ASAP. He came in a caught it, thank GOD. Laughing at me the entire time of course. My heart STILL isn't beating right. Can you believe that thing was still alive?

And the Issue that brought on the tears......

Issue #3-Still shaky from the lizard, I was doing paperwork and stapled right through my finger. I mean ALL THE WAY. I have never realized how much a finger can bleed from 2 tiny holes. It's not bleeding anymore, but it's black and blue and purple. Do I need a tetanus shot?

I texted (is that a word?) Brad in the middle of my fit and he brought me McDonald's and a Hershey bar. Screw WW today.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

aw....i'm sorry you had a sucky day! what a guy though..bringing you mcd and hershey's!

hope you have a ton of fun in vegas next month!